"Can I sell my Timeshare"?
In the current market, buying a timeshare is easy. Selling one is a different story. Here are two questions that we here often “Can I sell my Timeshare?” and “Buy a Timeshare”?

Looking for a timeshare or vacation plan? You won’t have a hard time finding one. There were 197,700 timeshares at 1,548 resorts, and 8.1 million “intervals” under ownership. An interval is usually defined as one week at a vacation destination, sometimes two.
But while getting into a timeshare will prove easy, don’t expect the same when it’s time to get out. Timeshares often plunge in value. Plus, the resale business is riddled with scams and when economic times are tough, that’s the toughest time to sell.
First, if you’re thinking of buying a timeshare…
1. Sell where you bought
Start with the company you bought your timeshare from. Some timeshare companies have a resale program. Others may provide you with a list of interested buyers. But most won’t help you at all. These people are in the business of selling new units, not helping you resell yours.
2. Sell to other owners
Ask the timeshare company who has the “interval” in your timeshare before and after you. Offer to sell your time to those owners. They may want to buy the timeshare from you to extend their stay.
3. Use a local broker
A licensed real estate agent might sell your timeshare for you, but you’ll probably pay a higher commission rate than you would on the sale of a house or a condo. The real estate company may charge you a commission fee of 10 to 30 percent. Before you sign up with a real estate agent, ask about the agent’s marketing plan and experience. Don’t pay commission to an agent who will only post an ad online, since you can do that yourself. Look for a licensed agent experienced in selling timeshares.
If you need to sell quickly, use an auction site like eBay. Starting an auction on eBay costs $70 – including a $35 insertion fee and a $35 final value fee. The auction can run from one to 10 days. It is known that timeshares are sold on EBay for just $1…
4. Sell online
You can sell your timeshare online yourself:Post a free classified ad on a local buying and selling site like Craigslist or the online classified section of the local newspaper where your timeshare is located. By posting an ad in the timeshare’s location, you’ll attract buyers interested in that area.
5. Watch out for scams
Horror stories abound. In an article called “Selling my timeshare? Look out for scammers,” the Virginian-Pilot recounts a story of one couple called by a resale company that had a definite buyer for their unit – they even had a signed letter of intent from the buyer. All the owners had to do was send $375 to the company and the sale was done. They sent in the money and then never heard from them again.
Bottom line? Can I sell my timeshare?
If you want to continue putting money down a dark hole buy a timeshare. There are countless stories after stories of timeshare owners that were “over sold”, “over promised” and under delivered. Does buying a timeshare in 2019 make sense? Does selling a timeshare make sense when you can cancel the contract directly with the resort?
Cancelling your timeshare contract is possible!
Why go through hoops to sell your contract only to continue to put more money into something that doesn’t make financial sense? We have a proven concept, we have beaten the odds, and we have created a format that YOU the timeshare owner can take back your family vacations into your own hands! Why trust someone to sell your property, why trust someone to cancel your contract, don’t you trust yourself!
No Attorney Timeshare DIY Cancellation Kit gives you the step by step process to complete your own timeshare cancellation within 60 days from the time that you start the process. This is putting the cancellation in your own hands taking out the middle man so you the timeshare owner know exactly where you are at in the process. Why put your finances in someone else’s hands!
Can I sell my timeshare? Sure!
However is the risk vs reward greater than simply taking the cancellation into your own hands and cancelling your timeshare contract?
Let Our Experience Be Your Guide
Cancel Your Own Timeshare Contract in as short as 60 days with guaranteed results*