How do you get out of a timeshare?
Can I legally get out of my timeshare contract?
Canceling timeshare is possible, and we bet that you have never heard that before!
Most people ask the question, is it possible to cancel timeshare? This question every timeshare owner asks themselves when they think of canceling timeshare, typically around the end of the year, when the maintenance fees are due!
Timeshare agreement
Let's dive into the topic of a timeshare cancellation a bit more. The majority of timeshare owners have never read their agreement in its entirety before signing their timeshare contract because they purchased their unplanned timeshare while on vacation. Most of the release terms are hidden under the heavy legal language that the average timeshare owner would overlook if they did not know precisely the verbiage to look for.
A recent poll shows that almost 75% of timeshare owners don't know where their timeshare contract is or misplaced it.
However, every timeshare contract has an escape clause written into the terms of the agreement.
Timeshare industry myth
Yes, you can cancel a timeshare, but there is more to understand.
See, the timeshare industry, along with timeshare cancellation companies want the timeshare owner to believe they have no way out and that it costs thousands to do so. On the contrary, you most certainly can cancel the timeshare contract yourself, and you have to trust no one.
"Exit teams" myth
Exit teams may say that it takes months, even years, and everyone has a theory on what the process is.
What the people don't want to tell you is the truth. Canceling timeshare has a process, and yes, you can cancel any timeshare without the headaches

The reality of owning a timeshare
Cancelling a timeshare is such a taboo topic.
Everyone has their idea and conclusion on what is the "right way" however, no one wants to be straight forward and tell you that it can be done with the proper process. When you were sold into the timeshare, the resort wanted to show you all of the fantastic opportunities to travel, and the beauty behind purchasing a timeshare was real real-estate. However, when you got home from your vacation, you quickly realized there were blackout dates, restrictions, as well as increasing maintenance fees, along with the perpetuity contract that you signed. Then you GOOGLED "cancel my timeshare" with no avail other than overpriced exit companies that wanted to sell you into a vacation club (so let's get out of one mess and be put into another).

Selling a timeshare is not your only option
Oh, wait!
Let's not forget how many companies called you and told you that you could sell your timeshare for thousands of dollars over the price you purchased it for so that you will "advertise" your "property" on their website only to get nothing out of it. One false statement after another. First, you are being "sold" at the resort. Second, you are being "sold" into canceling the timeshare. Not to mention, the salesperson is stating you can "rent" the timeshare to pay for your maintenance fees every year if it becomes a financial hardship. No wonder you have a reservation on canceling timeshare - everyone has told you that you can't get out of it.
Your kids inherit the timeshare as part of your estate
Canceling timeshare is a big decision. Ask yourself, "Am I OK with my kids paying the timeshare maintenance fees forever?" Because your kids will inherit the timeshare and your responsibility to pay maintenance fees and special resort assessments as part of your estate.
Is timeshare cheaper than travel?
When pondering about canceling a timeshare, ask yourself, "Do we even use the timeshare enough?" While ending the timeshare contract is a big decision, you put your thousands of dollars to enjoy the one vacation a year. Instead of this, you can take several without worry about blackout dates or traveling to where you want to go. You get to go on your dream vacation whenever it suits you!
How do you cancel a timeshare?
Here's the deal.
You can cancel your timeshare contract, and you can complete the cancellation yourself. With our full support throughout the process, assisting with questions that may arise, we will be right here with you as you cancel your timeshare contract. Read our reviews. Canceling timeshare is most undoubtedly painless as well as not cost you a lot of money to cancel the contract; in fact, the feeling of joy when you have completed the cancellation yourself is satisfying. You then can tell others that canceling timeshare is indeed possible.

Canceling timeshare without an attorney
Typically, to get out of a timeshare, you need to hire an attorney. What if you want to get out of a timeshare without an attorney? Our Cancel Timeshare Kit offers the same process and documents used when paying an "Exit Team" or "Attorney" thousands of dollars to complete the timeshare cancellation. The only difference - you are completing the paperwork on and talking directly to the resort on your own.
Our Solution
Can I legally get out of my timeshare contract? The answer is, Yes!
Canceling a timeshare with our Cancel Timeshare Kit is an EASY legal way to cancel your timeshare contract - follow the simple step-by-step instructions in the cancellation kit, and you can complete the cancellation yourself. Our kit includes Letters of Termination, Credit Repair Letter, and other documents needed to cancel a timeshare.
Our Cancel Timeshare Kit helped thousands of timeshare owners to cancel their contract and saved them time and money.
Let Our Experience Be Your Guide
Can I legally get out of my timeshare contract? Yes! You Can!
Cancel Your Own Timeshare Contract in as short as 60 days with guaranteed results*