More and more timeshare owners are searching for the safest way to cancel their timeshare contracts with out taking any more financial loses than they already have experienced. Safety is one of the main reasons that have forced timeshare owners to do more research and take more time to understand the cancellation pro’s and con’s. According to ARDA ( American Resort Development Association ) ” the “2019 State of the Vacation Timeshare Industry: “United States Study, the annual industry survey conducted among all identified U.S. timeshare resorts, 89 percent of timeshare resort owners reside in the United States while 11% of the owners reside in some other countries.”
I'm sure you can relate.
More and more timeshare owners are searching for the safest way to cancel their timeshare contracts with out taking any more financial loses than they already have experienced. Safety is one of the main reasons that have forced timeshare owners to do more research and take more time to understand the cancellation pro’s and con’s. According to ARDA ( American Resort Development Association ) ” the “2019 State of the Vacation Timeshare Industry: “United States Study, the annual industry survey conducted among all identified U.S. timeshare resorts, 89 percent of timeshare resort owners reside in the United States while 11% of the owners reside in some other countries.”

Many timeshare owners have tried everything from renting, listing,advertising and even the unsafest choice, trying to sell their timeshare with no avail.
The #1 reason why timeshare owners are looking for the safest option to dispose of their timeshare obligations is because of all the horror stories of timeshare owners that have tried to get out of their timeshares and have lost thousands of dollars or fallen into timeshare scams. Most timeshare owners were told that their timeshare purchases were originally an investment and the timeshare would increase in value due to location or early buy in specials offered. Sad truth is when it finally came time to get out of the timeshare the resorts wouldn’t purchase back the timeshare. Most timeshare owners upon trying to exit their timeshare with the resort were actually sold more vacation time with the hopes of reducing maintenance fees. Most timeshare owners forgot the the timeshare resorts are in the sales business thus every time you go to use the timeshare your approached with a owner update or option to upgrade. Unfortunately most timeshare owners have the same problem and that is NOT being able to say ” NO”. A whopping 78% of timeshare owners that got upgraded were at their resort on vacation suppose to be relaxing but ended up buying more vacation time on vacation.
DIY Safety Check- List
Truthfully every Timeshare Cancellation varies in magnitude and complexity, there are some rules that should be followed with every DIY timeshare cancellation project. Timeshare cancellation has its own share of hazards if done incorrectly, especially when doing something you never done before or have no prior experience. This is why most timeshare owners freeze up when they here the thought of doing it themselves and begin to think of the process as one of the most dangerous jobs. The key things timeshare owners are looking for is the safest way to cancel a timeshare with spending thousands of dollars in the process.
- The Safe part is the DIY kit is it was written by former timeshare attorneys with over 15 yrs experience in timeshare cancellation( So they had plenty of time to perfect the process).
- Timeshare owners with no prior timeshare cancellation experience have safely canceled their own timeshare contracts with the step by step paperwork provided. See actual owners that have completed cancellation “Reviews”.
- Amazingly there is “NO” timeshare court involved and no judge to argue your case in front of so there is no need to pay an attorney to mail the same documents you can mail your self.
- The DIY Timeshare cancellation paperwork is all Pre-written letters so all you need to do is add your Name,Resort Name, and Contract number information into the labeled areas.
- The DIY timeshare paperwork kit is no different than doing your own (DIY) Divorce, Bankruptcy , or Living Trust, as you and I probably both know someone that has completed Do It Your Self Paperwork.

What makes doing your self the safest way to cancel a timeshare you ask?
Well Ill go over a few reason that will give you some food for thought. First remember that when you purchased your timeshare I can almost bet that you didn’t hire someone or a attorney to purchase the timeshare for you. If you would of took your attorney on vacation instead of your spouse I can almost guarantee you wouldn’t have came home with a timeshare.
When cancelling your own timeshare you are in control so your not hoping some stranger you don't know is doing a good job or NOT!
Every time you send a document to the resort certified return receipt mail you receive a conformation of signature to ensure the resort receives your cancellation request. The number one reason timeshare owners have fears is trust issues they have been let down before and afraid to have it happen again. Lets be honest no one wants to lose any amount of money not even a dollar on a hope that it will work. So doing it your self eliminates the middle man puts you back in control as long as you can read,write and go to the post office you are more than equipped to cancel your own timeshare. I highly suggest you use United States Postal Services to send your certified mail it will run you about $8.00 a certified letter to serve the resort. Just remember postage isn’t included and most cancellations depending the circumstances can be done for around $24.00 or less in postage.
Typically the resort responds with in the 30 days of receiving your request to cancel so that response alone calms most timeshare owners anxiety.
See “How it Works” Step by Step!
What really makes the process safe

You Ask What Is A Valid Reason To Cancel A Timeshare?
Most of the valid reasons come in few different variations ranging from health conditions, financial hardship, spouse passing, some people have reached a age where age restrictions become a issue and are not traveling. Most people when they bought their Timeshare were gainfully employed and fast forward 5 or 10 years they are no longer working or on fixed income,social security, disability etc… The same goes with health we all had more bounce in our step 10 years ago sometimes even 10 weeks ago but as we get older unfortunately we experience health issues that were unforeseen but have limited our traveling.
But I was Mislead or The Sales Rep Told Me......
Lets be clear a lot of Timeshare owners have been misled or flat out lied to get them to purchase their timeshare. Most timeshare owners like to immediately direct that experience as a reason to cancel their timeshare contracts. Unfortunately as true as that may have been at the time the resort gives in most cases anywhere from 3 day, 5 day and even 7 days of a rescission period before the Timeshare contract becomes official at time of purchase. So in saying that when you try to use misrepresentation or misled as a reason 9 times out of 10 the resort will remind you that you had a period of time to cancel the contract and you have exceeded that time frame so your claim is denied. And I understand that it may be the case but remember you signed the paperwork that allowed that clause to be in effect. So none the less most Timeshare owners are normally truthfully more mad at them selves at this point that they allowed this to happen than the fact they signed the paperwork. But we are here now hind sight is always 20/20 the good thing looking forward is that you can do this process yourself without attorney or hiring someone.
Safe step by step process
Well hopefully after reading this you are have a better insight on the safest way to cancel your own timeshare contract. I would highly recommend clicking the link above to get more information to help you cancel your own timeshare and let 2020 be the year you are finally out of your timeshare.
Answer: Safest way to cancel a timeshare is simple. Do It Yourself. Most timeshare owners are not aware they can cancel their own timeshare contracts.
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Cancel Your Own Timeshare Contract in as short as 60 days with guaranteed results*